The Seven Brothers is a what could be called " a national book" in Finland. It is a book by a Finnish former writer, Aleksis Kivi, who was at his lifetime an underestimated writer. Now he is the national writer in Finland, and his most famous book is about seven brothers, who lived together in the country side of Finland, in the old, old times. Novita, a Finnish wool company happens to have a yarn named after the book,
The seven brothers, seitsemän veljestä. Not the yarn has been manufactured for 40 years, and for this celebration Novita published a magazine for the yarn. For this magazine I designed all the seven brothers, all made from the yarn branded with the same name. All the brothers, like real brothers, have then own character, and when designing them I really have to consider their nature. Here is a list what the brothers are according to Wikipedia:
- Juhani – the oldest brother, also the most stubborn
- Aapo – twin-brother of Tuomas, logical and peaceful
- Tuomas – scrupulous, strong as a bull, although Juhani claims to be the strongest brother
- Simeoni – alcoholic and the most religious brother
- Timo – twin-brother of Lauri, simple and earnest
- Lauri – the most solemn brother, friend of nature and a loner
- Eero – the youngest brother, intelligent, clever, quarrelsome when confronted with Juhani
Here are the pictures of the seven brothers:
Novita juhlii tänä vuonna Seitsemän Veljestä langan 40 vuotis synttäreitä ja juuri ilmestyi kauppoihin 7 veljestä juhlalehti. Kyseistä lehteä varten suunnittelin kyseisestä langasta ne kuuluisat veljekset, joista lanka on saanut nimensä. Haasteellista oli saada pojat näyttämään luennekuvaustensa mukaisilta hepuilta. Novita on julkaissut nettisivuillaan jokaisen veljeksen ohjeet, joten nyt ei muuta kuin koukku ja langat esiin ja virkkaamaan koko veljeskaari. Ohjeet löytyvät tästä linkistä.